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Wlan and dual authentication problem using AD and MAC on SZ100

New Contributor III
We have a dual authentication that has worked for us until recently.
For our Corporate WLAN we have dual authentication (AD user account and MAC address of the device).  We have implement RADIUS server that authenticate users against active directory.  The other authentication is we are using the MAC of the wifi card to make sure the device is a corporate asset.
The problem we have run into is that the MAC white list on our Smart Zone 100 has a limitation of 128 Mac addresses.
Support says to work around the 128 limitation, we need to set up RADIUS server to do the MAC white listing.
The problem I have been told is we cannot have two RADIUS servers configured for both the AD and MAC authentication.
Has anybody else run into this and if so, what is the solution?  If there is another way to do what we are trying to accomplish let me know as well.