06-16-2023 06:28 AM
I have vSZ running firmware version Whenever we have needed to restart the cluster or restart our core, our switches show as offline in the controller, and we have only ever been able to reconnect them by running "manager disable" and "no manager disable" on each individual switch stack. Is there a way to have the switches automatically reconnect after disconnection, or do we need to run the commands each time?
09-14-2023 10:46 AM
@BenBeck Do you have any ideas on this one?
09-14-2023 10:51 AM
SZ is not my area of expertise, but they should reconnect on their own to my knowledge. What is the model and code on the switch side? I would recommend 8095m for all 7xxx series being connected to SZ.
09-14-2023 11:22 AM
They are a mix of ICX 7250 and 7150, all running 8095g.
09-14-2023 11:25 AM
There a few SZ-related fixes since then. Please try 8095m and if you continue to have issues, feel free to open a support case.