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Ruckus Virtual SmartZone on Nutanix AHV

New Contributor III
Is Virtual SmartZone supported to run on Nutanix AHV clusters?  Can't seem to find any information about it and haven't heard of anyone who's tried it.  Since AHV is based on KVM, it should technically work.  

I just need confirmation that it's supported.  Some documentation would be much appreciated too.  We're planning to migrate from ZD in a few months time.

New Contributor III

No, it's not supported. 

Contributor III
I'm sure it works, but if support ever asks you, just say it's running on VMware. They wouldn't know the difference.

New Contributor
Hi, is there an update on this? we are also about to move the vSZ from VMware to Nutanix. 
Isn't it that, as long as the underlying network setup is the same to Nutanix, it should work?
Need your input. Thanks!

New Contributor III
We've successfully deployed VSZ on Nutanix AHV a couple of months ago. Two VSZ nodes installed on separate AHV clusters, on two different sites. 

We just used the KVM image.  Everything else was pretty straightforward.  

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