Hey Paul, thanks again for the explanation and input.
I understand your situation and the challenges of customer expectations. To start with your critique about ZeroIT and OAuth being on SZ in the past, this is true. There are many pieces to this conversation, but effectively, this was the best decision for SmartZone to avoid spending extra effort supporting parallel feature sets as on Cloudpath. OAuth only worked previously for onboarding flows, but we waited to remove it from the UI until we were sure of the path forward with respect to native OAuth support (you will see this reflected in the 3.6 release). My apologies for the confusion.
As to the product fit for the customers you describe, there's a few layers that might help frame up the conversation. Ultimately, if we put these functionalities into SZ, then we erode Cloudpath's value. For customers that are existing ZD/Unleashed customers and want to expand to multi-site, we do have a product called Multi-Site Manager (
https://www.ruckuswireless.com/products/system-management-control/unleashed/unleashed-multi-site-man...) that could solve this part of the hurdle. From a pure sales and positioning perspective, the customer is moving from a small-site on-premises solution to a higher scale multi-site solution, so there is expected to be some shift in implementation form factor (add a multi-site management piece, change solution architecture, add onboarding system, etc).
If you compare Cloudpath functionality to other solutions on the market with similar capabilities, we are dramatically less expensive with arguably much better ease of use. I understand this doesn't help change a customer's mind when they don't want to spend money, but comparatively speaking, it remains true.
🙂 thanks,
P.S. I'm happy to engage further if you want to take it up in email (
first.last@brocade.com - just plug in my first and last name)...we can set up a call and have some interactive dialogue.