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Guest Access Portal Redirect not working on Android and iOS Devices

New Contributor

Can someone help me please. I have recently configured Guest Access Portal, however the redirect is not working for Android and iOs devices. Can someone explain why? Is there something else I need to configure. It works well for Windows devices. I.e. a MS Surface Device.


RUCKUS Team Member

Hello @kuldev 

Please let us know if this is new setup or existing setup ?

Since when this issue has been started? Is there any configuration changes has been made recently on the controller ?

Are you using vSZ/Zone director ? What is the controller firmware version ?

What is WLAN Authentication type, Guest Access or Hotspot WISPr ?

When IOS and Android user connect with the WLAN are they re-directing to the login prompt ? Could you please type the guest portal URL manually on the browser and check if it shows the guest portal.



This is a existing setup where we have recently setup "Guest" WLAN. The issue started when we created the Guest WLAN. We are using  Virtual Smart Zone Essentials We are using Guest Access for the WLAN Authentication. The issue is when a Android or iOS the tries to access to Guest network a error occurs. I have manually typed in the URL and this does work.

RUCKUS Team Member

Hi @kuldev 

Looks like you are using SZ\vSZ controller. On the SSID settings, do you have the "Bypass CNA" enabled? If yes, try disabling it and check.

Let me try this and give you feedback.

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