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Wifi for ruckus is freezing and slowing up after power outage

New Contributor

After a power outage the internet is now working slower than before. It freezes up. Was running fine before. We have reset entire Ruckus box by unplugging. Also reset the boxes on each of the 3 floors in my house and still nothing has worked. What can we do? I was going to go best buy and just another wifi extender. Any thoughts?


Hi @CK  ! 

I shared the wrong guide is this one since you know the IP address from your switch 


How to remotely access to 'ICX 7150-C12P' or 'access points' "Network devices"

Best Regards 

Fernando Vasquez 

View solution in original post


Peter..You may need to call me to help me out. I do not know how to get started.!

New Contributor

I'm not even completely sure how I got there. I'll try to breakdown my process. If there is a moderator that notices something off, please correct me.

1.) Connect your computer to the Ruckus Switch with a C-Port (on Ruckus) to USB (on computer) cord: 

2.) Download this thing below so your computer can work with the Ruckus Switch:

This part I believe was super important (I think). Make sure you download the zip drive for the file below & "extract all". Once it's extracted, run the file.





Driver should be installed.

3.) Download Mobaxterm:

Open Mobaxterm and click run. You should get to this page:


Serial is what I clicked to open that black page with white lettering (coding page?).

Type "admin", click enter

Type "Lennar" click enter (when typing this in, I never saw the letter appear. I just trust they were there.

4.) Follow these prompts like Vasquez highlighted in the above posts.

In simple words write the following commands once you are log in the CLI :

ICX7250-12P Router>  

ICX7250-12P Router>enable

ICX7250-12P Router#copy flash flash secondary

ICX7250-12P Router#boot system flash secondary yes

A ton of code started to appear (changing the Ruckus from a Router to a Switch)


I hope this helps. I've been at this since your original post. I could accidentally done necessary steps without knowing I did them. If you get stuck, I recommend using the "snipping" tool if you are using Windows and screen shot where you are at to sent to the moderators. Stay strong and good luck.

Hi @PeterK 

That is exactly the process ! 

We are tying to improve the guides 

Thanks for your feedback 

Best Regards 

Fernando Vasquez 

I do not get serial at the user session. 

Hi @CK 

You need to try another cable many times the cable that is used to charge USB to USB-C devices does not work properly

Also make sure you installed the drivers 

Best Regards 

Fernando Vasquez