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What modem/router combo is best for ICX-7150 Switch and R320 APs

New Contributor II

I have a TP-Link router with a Motorola MB8611 modem and it seems like there have been constant issues with connectivity. What’s the best combo with this Lennar Ruckus setup?



Hi @Finnejo 

This combination will not be a problem, now you can test where you are having a problem, for example cable a computer to the TP-Link router and then run a speed test, then do the same with the ICX 7150 Swith, so you can check if the problem is the TP-Link router or the switch, or even finally test the wireless connection, so you can confirm whether the problem is the TP-Link router, ICX7150 or the wireless environment, after isolating what is the source you can share the results here, and we can give you more troubleshooting steps.


Best regards,

Yarenis Hernández

Technical Support Engineer | L2 TAC Wired