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Updating our Ruckus system in a Lennar home

New Contributor

We've been having inconsistent or slow Wi-Fi in certain rooms (they're at the corners of the house, so not surprising). After troubleshooting, I've decided that adding a Ruckus access point may be a reasonable solution. But in trying that, I've encountered some hurdles and am hoping someone in the community or Ruckus could offer advice.

  1. Lennar didn't leave us with Ruckus login info when we bought the new home, so I don't know how to get into the system to check or modify things. What app/website should I use to get in?
  2. Our house has a 7150 switch in the electric box, and what seem to be two R510 access points. I bought an R650 today and connected it to a port in a room that is connected to the 7150, but the R650 doesn't light up. Even if I connect the R650 to one of the ports on the 7150 that was used to go into an R510, it gets powered on but doesn't provide Wi-Fi.




Hi @kaz 

1-For this we must locate the IP address for the Switch (this is a logical address assigned by your local router (ISP) to the switch) I will leave a quick guide: 

How to find my Ruckus “Devices IP address” using free applications

2-After that we must remotely access to device, I leave a guide on how to access to the switch

Here is a quick guide how to access via CLI of the devices 

How to remotely access to 'ICX 7150-12P' or 'access points' "Network devices"

Try SSH and Telnet options 

If you can access to the Command line should look like this 

ICX7150-C12 Switch>

3-Write the following commands:

Note: Hit Enter to accept each command:

ICX7150-C12 Switch>enable
ICX7150-C12 Switch#show version
ICX7150-C12 Switch#show inline power
ICX7150-C12 Switch#show inline power detail

Copy and paste the results on the chat (here) 

If you cannot access via IP we can access physical using a console cable 

How to console in the ICX-7150-C12p

Once you are log in via console go to the Step '3'

Best Regards 

Fernando Vasquez 

I can't seem to get the driver working. When I install both packages and do ls /dev/cu.*, I only get:

I tried the nc and ssh, but they don't work either:

Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching host key type found.

And doing nc 23 returns nothing...

Hi @kaz 

Could you please run the following command :

ssh-keygen -R

The try ssh option.

ssh super@


ssh admin@

Make sure that is the right IP 

Best Regards 

Fernando Vasquez

I tried all of those, and they all fail:

➜ ~ ssh-keygen -R
Host not found in /Users/kaz/.ssh/known_hosts
➜ ~ ssh super@
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa
➜ ~ ssh admin@
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa

The IP address is the only one that comes up with Ruckus in the name in IP Scanner, so I'm assuming it's the right one. It's also the IP address that brings up the Unleashed dashboard when I put it into a web browser.Screenshot 2022-12-09 at 10.10.05 AM.png


New Contributor

There's another one, but that one doesn't bring up a page in a browser. Strange that there are only two IP addresses that say Ruckus because I have two AP devices and a switch.