09-04-2020 11:29 AM
10-27-2021 09:31 PM
did you resolve this issue? i have the same exact problem with the iphone aswell
09-10-2021 04:26 PM
I have same issue after power outage last night. For others in the neighborhood, it worked when they power cycled the switch but mine still unreachable. Should I open a support ticket?
09-13-2021 06:51 AM
@kiran_cheedalla Open support ticket. They will set the primary boot and secondary boot. They will copy primary memory to secondary memory something like that using some commands. Someone posted in another thread about those commands but we would have to take console of switch and then run those commands. Better to open support ticket.
02-04-2023 12:30 PM
No, they will copy paste a complicated response that no one can follow and then hide behind their key boards until you go away.