03-04-2025 08:17 AM
I had a switch RMA to me to replace one that was defective. In the unleashed app it shows 2 switches, one connected (the one RMA) and the other (returned) disconnected. How do I remove the one that is no longer connected. I've looked all over in the app, but it won't or doesn't have that I find how to delete the ICX 7150-C12P switch?
03-06-2025 03:56 PM
Pinky, I followed the instructions exactly and watched the video. I double-checked to ensure that everything was correctly checked or not. Save and went to my network to see the SSID was there and unfortunately it was not. It shows that I have both the old and new SSID's however the new one created is just not showing in my Wi-Fi list just the old one "Ruckus-Wifi 1".
03-10-2025 07:28 AM
Hello @dsmith160 ,
Thank you for the response.
I understand that you've followed the video and article to create a new Wi-Fi network, but you can't see it in the list of available networks.
Please try following the instructions again carefully. Once the network is created successfully, it should appear in the list of available devices.
Please let us know if you are getting stuck at any point.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Pinky Rajendran
RUCKUS Lennar Home Community
03-10-2025 08:56 AM
I have tried several times and the instructions for someone like me that's has 23 years in technology are very easy for me follow. The SSID is not displaying on my Wi-Fi list. The old Ruckus network still displays. I don't know how better to explain that.