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Re: boot mode reset

New Contributor

Crystol has hired Geek Squad to come out and assist with the troubleshooting of her Ruckus system. We attempted to perform the factory reset and were unsuccessful in doing so.  We were never able to get the unit to display or broadcast the setup wifi to connect to the device and perform first time setup of the device.  We attempted usb flash drive factory reset and were still unsuccessful in getting the unit back to factory settings.  Also attempted to use the factory reset button multiple times as Crystol has attempted as well all getting the same result. When I arrived at her home  the Access point has power light on on the access point but no other lights.  Tried moving ports on the switch and got ctl light and power light on but were still unable to access the switch to setup the wifi as she had before.  


Hello @cspringer 

Thank you for your response and the update.

Based on the picture you provided, it appears that your switch is stuck in boot mode with an Amber SYST indicator.

Please refer to the following RUCKUS Lennar Knowledge Base self-help article for troubleshooting guidance:

Kindly follow the steps outlined in the article and let me know if you encounter any difficulties.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Best regards,
Imran Sanadi
RUCKUS Lennar Home Community

what in the world????  PLEASE GO BACK AND LOOK AT THIS HISTORY!!!! 

I've been trying to state this was the issue and yes I hired Geek Squad to come to my home and even they could not reboot this clearly explained to you by them in the reply above on 7/23/24 when they were in my home! Why in the world are you sending back down that same path??? This Ruckus is defective! I cannot believe I am STILL getting the run around from you all  This is absolutely the worst.  

Hello @cspringer 

Thank you for providing the information.

I recommend attempting a physical factory reset multiple times, as outlined in our RUCKUS Lennar Knowledge Base self-help article accessible through this link and VIDEO:

Video link:

If the initial reset attempts do not resolve the issue, please try resetting your switch multiple times (approximately 10-15 times) using the method described in the article. In some cases, repeated attempts have successfully resolved similar issues. Upon successful reset, the SYST and PWR lights should turn GREEN.

Please proceed with these reset steps and let me know if the switch comes back to a normal state with Green SYST LED.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation in this matter.


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi  
RUCKUS Lennar Home Community

Thats already been done 16xs... maybe more. Amber lights are blinking all the way across the board! see photo  now what do you want me to do?  Ive already paid $150 for Geek Squad to come out with the same results and AGAIN was mentioned in response on7/23/24.  Why is this so difficult for you to undertstand?  It wont reboot and wont factpry reset!!!!

IMG_9198 (1).jpg

Can I please get a supervisor to look over this history of this back and forth???? This is actually insane to me that this is still happening, and we only go round and round.  If you aren't going to replace this defective RUCKUS then just state that now so that I may move onto to another company and device!  I want to know today what RUCKUS is going to do because I am finished with this back and forth. It truly is only wasting my time sending me back to the beginning and telling me to do the same thing over and over, especially when I called out a professional with the same results. I have zero patience left