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Re: R510 Not powering on

New Contributor

Good Evening -

I am continuing to have multiple issues with all of my Ruckus equipment in my Lennar home. 

My ICX 7150 switch that came with my Lennar Home is stuck in boot mode after a power outage. I have tried to reboot by doing the factory reset around 15-20 times and it stays stuck with all of the lights flashing amber. I have an iMac computer and have followed the instructions for a reinstalling the drivers and software. When connected to the computer via USB to C cord and ethernet cable it does not even detect my ruckus switch.

At this point, I believe the ICX 7150 switch and the R510 access point are RMA.

Please advise on what else I can do to resolve the issue.



admin test


Hi @NickM0511


Thank you for contacting RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

I hope you are doing well!!!

Thank you for the information you shared.

As per the case description, I understand that your RUCKUS ICX-7150-C12P Switch is stuck in boot mode.

Could you please let me know the current status of the lights on the Switch? On your switch while it's plugged into the outlet, do you see any lights on? (Amber or green) Please let us know which lights are on. (Please refer to the below picture and share a picture of the same, showing the light status and the FULL Switch panel cable connections to the Switch ports)

Imran_ruckus_0-1712234267953.pngPlease help me with the above query and let me know if you have any queries in this regard.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding.


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

Specifically, the troubleshooting steps highlighted in the article below were all done to get the apply running via POE.

Hi @NickM0511 

Thank you for the response and the update.

As mentioned previously, we may need to check the Switch ports to fix this issue. Please follow the below process and help me with the queries.

Please follow the below steps and help us with the queries,

1. To check this issue, we must identify the ‘current’ IP address assigned by your local router to the switch ICX-7150-C12P

I will leave you a guide on how to perform an IP scanner on your local network to identify the switch IP address very easily. 

How to find my Ruckus “Devices IP address” using free applications:

2. Once we identify the IP address of the switch proceed to access remotely to the device “Command Line” 

How to access the Command Line Interface (CLI) of the RUCKUS ICX-7150-C12P Switch:

If you can access the Command line should look like this:

ICX7150-C12 Router> OR

ICX7150-C12 Switch>

Please enter the below commands once you log in to CLI and share the output.

Note: Hit Enter to accept each command 


show version

show flash

show inline power 
show interface brief

Please share the output of the above commands or share the screenshots if stuck at any step or error (if any) and let me know if you have any queries in this regard.

Thank you again. We appreciate your patience and understanding. 


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.