10-07-2023 07:26 AM
4-To access by console must install a driver so that the workstation/pc/desktop or laptop can recognize the cable. Make sure to download the zip drive for the file below & "extract all". Once it's extracted, run the file ,driver should be installed.
10-02-2023 06:07 PM
Please post Mac instructions. I've been troubleshooting for 3 days. Trying to get my icx7150-c12 router connected. I've dowloaded putty, Mac osx vcp and silabs drivers. I can't get to the command line with icx7150.
10-02-2023 10:19 PM
Hello Thuertas,
As per the description we understand that you are trying take access to 7150 switch CLI. If via console port below is the procedure.
How to console to the switch:
Also install the USB Serial driver Windows prior to accessing via console: https://support.ruckuswireless.com/software/1414-brocade-ruckus-7150-usb-serial-driver-windows
You can use below link to log a ticket:
10-02-2023 10:45 PM - edited 10-02-2023 10:46 PM
Hi Thuertas ,
Thank you for reaching us.
I see that you have posted twice.
Could you please let me know if you are from Lennar Homes ?
For Mac iOS system solution please refer the below steps :
1-Install the drivers on your machine to read the cable type C to console the switch ( ICX-7150-C12 )
2-After successfully installing the Mac Drivers, open the Mac terminal, when you see the command prompt do the following:
Enter this command:
ls /dev/cu.*
This command will display something like this:
One of those logs will say something similar to /dev/cu.SiLabs_Serial (which is related to the drivers you installed)
3-Then enter the following command using the name of the installed driver that was displayed:
screen /dev/cu.SiLabs_Serial 9600
4-Hit Enter and you will have access to the ICX7150’s CLI. (Command Line)
Video link as reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AcJokMm78U
Moving Forward If this issue is not resolved , Please log a ticket with the below link so that we will help you further
I hope this information helps you
Please feel free to leave us a message if any concerns
10-07-2023 06:58 AM
Yes, I'm with a Lennar home.
After downloading the drivers and entering command ls /dev/cu.* it return with /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port /dev/cu.usbserial-A9GR6B6U