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New house / setting up

New Contributor

I recently moved in, and I’m trying to get my  icx 7150-c12p to work. I have ATNT internet, and I’m trying to connect it to the ruckus router that connects to the 3 AP’s in my house (not sure what they are) 

Im not sure where to start… I’m unaware if the old tenant used this system and forgot to reset it, or whatever 


The people who lived here seems to not have reset anything like the ring doorbells, or any of the security, even left their driver license… I’m really not sure where to start with this


I asked ATNT if they can help set it up, but they told me they don’t know what the password is, nor what the network name for the AP’s are. Told me to call here, but seems like you guys don’t provide people over to help.


What i’ve tried so far is downloading the unleashed app, the network it wants me to connect it to shows up, but when I try connecting to it, I’m told unable to connect. When it does connect, it would immediately disconnect on the app.


Honestly I’m not even sure how the wiring works. There’s one blue ethernet hanging out, I’m guessing that connects to my atnt devices, but I’m stuck


Please help.



Hi @tommyl5055

Thank you for contacting Lennar Home Community.

Hope you are doing well!!!

Thank you for the information you shared,

From the case description, I could understand that you are trying to connect RUCKUS Setup as you have recently moved to a New Lennar Home.

Please refer to the short guide link below about how to connect the devices:

Most common Setups for Lennar homes users:


I would recommend you factory reset your APs as described below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As you have multiple Access Points (APs) in your house, please make sure you only keep the affected/configuring AP On and reset the same. Please go to the Ruckus Switch (located in the panel) and disconnect from its ports the Ethernet cables of the other Access Points, except the one that you are going to work with. Later you could connect other APs.

Please read the following guide carefully: 

Physical Factory Reset of RUCKUS Access Point:

Ruckus Unleashed Set-up using your Mobile:

Ruckus Unleashed Set-up using Web:

Please let me know if you have any queries in this regard.

Thank you again.


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi

Lennar Home Community.

New Contributor

Hi, Thank you for the response, I hope you're doing well too. The guides have got me somewhere, but I'm a little stuck right now. 

The ICX module is connected to my router/modem. I did get one of the AP's to be setup. I renamed and did the password, but after that I can't seem to connect to the AP. Rather, it doesn't show up on any of my devices. 

I've tried setting up rest of the AP's in the house, but I went back to step one where my phone tells me it can't connect to the "" network used to set it up. So I'm not sure what to do here. I could give it a shot and reset the AP, but it's on the roof, so it'll be a little difficult to reach. Despite all of this, the smarthome app tells me it's still connected to the ICX, so maybe it's an issue on the AP side? Everything seems to be connected too.

Hi @tommyl5055


Thank you for the response and the detailed information.

As you mentioned you have setup the cables as described in my previous post, also I would recommend factory resetting the APs as described in the previous post. Apologies for the inconvenience, we must get the AP in hand for the reset process to insert a paper clip on the reset button.

Please let me know if you have any queries in this regard.

Thank you again for your patience.


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi

Lennar Home Community.