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ICX 7150 woes. Unable to update through any of the touted methods. Also do not have login info

New Contributor

I am yet another unfortunate homeowner who received Ruckus equipment in my house. I have a ICX 7150 with 3 APs. The APs are working fine and i updated the firmware on them. The issue is the switch.

The problem: I have internet connection; if I cycle the power on the switch the system boots up and immediately I have top internet speed in every corner of the house. The problem is within 24 hours or even shorter sometimes the internet speeds plummet to a crawl. When I login on the app I have noticed how the switch shows up as "disconnected" and it won't "ping". Now I have spent HOURS reading the guides and then downloading all this technical stuff like putty and TFTP in hopes of upgrading the firmware on the device. The result is that I have now wasted an absurd amount of time with no progress. Here are the methods I have tried:

  • TFTP and Web GUI: spent a whole afternoon following the guide and it doesn't work because I can't login to the switch and yes I did all the recovery steps as recommend and nothing worked. No the username and password are not any of the potential username/passwords you guys have listed. I
  • Console: Does not work because in the instructions you guys provided the "COM number" never shows up like it does on the example screenshots. 
  • I even tried to do everything on MAC OS and once again the guides are outdated. Entering those commands in terminal no longer works.

Whenever I look up ways to troubleshoot these issues I just run into even more complicated and technical instructions by the Ruckus support staff. I know these products are not meant for home use and I'm not sure whether Ruckus or Lennar is responsible for this failed misadventure but it's absolutely awful that there is no support besides a forum where the support staff acts like every homeowner is an IT guy. I would like to request a new ICX switch and preferably one that isn't an outdated brick with an elusive username and password. 



Hi @LennarSucks 


Thank you for reaching out to RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

We acknowledge the issue with your RUCKUS ICX-7150-C12P Switch experiencing intermittent Internet connectivity.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

To assist you further, please follow these steps:

1. Attempt to access the CLI using Telnet without requiring a username/password. Please refer to the attached screenshot for guidance. 

Once accessed, execute the following commands and provide the outputs:
  - enable
  - show version
  - show flash
  - show inline power
  - show inline power detail
  - show interface brief

2. If Telnet access is unsuccessful, consider performing a factory reset on the RUCKUS ICX-7150-C12P Switch. Detailed instructions can be found in our RUCKUS Lennar Knowledge Base article and accompanying video:

 Video Link:
  Default Credentials:
  Username: super
  Password: sp-admin
  Alternative Credentials screenshot:

3. Should the above steps not resolve the issue, download the console drivers onto your laptop and attempt CLI access using the console option. Please ensure you have extracted and installed the drivers correctly from the following links:

  - How to console the RUCKUS ICX-7150-C12P Switch:
  - RUCKUS ICX-7150 USB Serial Driver (Windows): :

  - Silicon Labs USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers:

Please follow these instructions carefully and provide the command outputs as requested. Should you have any questions or concerns during this process, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi  
RUCKUS Lennar Home Community


Hi @LennarSucks 

Please follow the steps shared in my previous post and Should you have any questions or concerns during this process, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi  
RUCKUS Lennar Home Community


Hi @LennarSucks 


I trust this message finds you well.

I kindly request an update on the status of the issue so that we may proceed further with resolving it. 

Thank you.


Best regards,
Imran Sanadi
RUCKUS Lennar Home Community

Hi Imran, 

I appreciate you checking in with me about this issue.The staff on these Ruckus forums is excellent and you and a few of your colleagues have written out these complex solutions very clearly in prior topics so I have been trying all these things for days now. I tried using Telnet for CLI again and it didn't work. I methodically went through every username password provided. Then I tried to reboot the switch (multiple times) and unfortunately that didn't help as well. Anyways, an insurance provider has agreed to pay me a sum of money to buy another network switch and I think I will go that route. With that said, I truly appreciate your patience and professionalism. Thank you for everything, Mr. Sanadi.