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ICX 7150-C12 Failed to Ping

New Contributor II

Good day.

I have an ICX 7150-C12 that should be viewable in unleashed. Unleashed sees the switch enough to auto populate its info (MAC, IP, Model/Name), but is unable to complete the connection. It only shows failed to ping ICX [IP ADDRESS]. Suggest checking network.

I have reset the switch multiple times, upgraded the firmware, and tried everything I could find online before resetting once again. I am able to ping the IP through windows cmd.

Any help or guidance is appreciated. Thank you.


Hi @mollusk82 

Basically this would be like the terminology

SPR means Routing capabilities / SPS means Switching capabilities  

Correct  you should be running (SPS) instead of (SPR)  since you already have a router from your ISP and it does all the work at your home (routing/DCHP,NAT etc), you'll need to configure your network and the Switch to use SPR ( Code ) to match the router's configuration.

So it is easier for switches to run SPS as it already does all its work correctly without you having to configure.

Add a common setup for home users.


Lennar Wired.PNG

Best Regards 

Fernando Vasquez