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ICX 715 not working

New Contributor

After a power outage the switch did not rebooted. Manually rebooted and now the internet is SUPER slow and not routing to the AP's. The signal is weak to the point the ring doorbell and cameras are not getting signal. How do I get this resolved?



Hi @nanners02 

Please try to check another IP scanner Free on your PC also at the bottom there is an option to log in into the Router and check device list. 

Best Regards 

Fernando Vasquez 

Already have run and I have the IP address but I can not apply any of the troubleshooting steps as it is not finding what I need. 
The internet is so spotty downloading items is tricky on my Mac. 

Also, the switch is not there when i log into unleashed. How do I fix that? 

Hi @nanners02


The Switch will not appear in the Unleashed APP if it is running in the routing code, due that the connectivity is not the best with the  Master access point, now to fix the routing code issue, you can gain access to the Switch via SSH,Telnet, console or even Web access by placing the IP address of the Switch in your web browser, not with the MAC computer you do not require using any application such a putty or Mobaxter, because from the same terminal you can initiate the SSH or telnet access, which is explained in my coworker guide named  How to remotely access to 'ICX 7150-12P' or 'access points' "Network devices"


Note: let me add the guide back to solve the issue via the web, which was added previously, if you have any issues please share the error, and if you continue to have difficulty following the steps, I would recommend that you seek outside help or a technician.



Session in the Guide:


How to Fix Routing code issues on Lennar Home users via Web GUI. 




Best regards,

Yarenis Hernández.

Technical Support Engineer | L2 TAC Wired | Lennar Home Community