01-12-2022 11:49 AM
I am running ICX7450's and some of our switches were pre-maturely upgraded to 08.0.92.
I would like to know if it is possible to migrate the OS from 08.0.92 [backward] to 08.0.90.
Has anyone tried this before? Is there a procedure for this?
Please, advise.
01-12-2022 02:28 PM
I had to massage the instruction a bit, but I got it work.
ICX7450-24P Router#sh flash
Stack unit 1:
Compressed Pri Code size = 33554432, Version:08.0.90kT213 (SPR08090k.bin)
Compressed Sec Code size = 32172120, Version:08.0.92bT213 (SPR08092b.bin)
Compressed Pri Boot Code size = 786944, Version:10.1.18T215 (spz10118)
Compressed Sec Boot Code size = 786944, Version:10.1.17T215 (spz10117)
Code Flash Free Space = 1597333504
I need to sort out the boot images, but that shouldn't be difficult - I think.
Thank you for your help and pointing me in the right direction Ben!
01-12-2022 11:43 PM
It is possible you can do that