11-23-2018 09:28 AM
11-23-2018 10:12 AM
Good afternoon Shane. Sorry to hear you are having PoE issues with your ICX6610. If you have already tried to reload the unit with no success, I would advise trying to re-install the PoE Firmware. I am not sure the version you are running, but you can just download the file from the Ruckus website, locate the file in a TFTP server and run the command below:
- device # inline power install-firmware stack-unit 1 tftp
It could be that the Firmware is corrupted and re-installing it will help.
If no luck with that, please run the command “show inline power detail” and open a case with TAC for further support.
Hope this information helps. Have a great day.
11-23-2018 10:44 AM
I recommend doing an upgrade of the boot code, the image version and the POE firmware to latest version on your code stream for example for 8030 code 8030s to try to recover the POE.
If the upgrade does not work then you will need to proceed by replacing the switch.
Here is how to perform an upgrade with a TFTP server.
1) Go to the Ruckus site https://support.ruckuswireless.com/ and download the software to your desktop and un-compress the files. We need to s
2) We need a TFTP server installed to copy the files.
3) Make sure your tftp server has IP connectivity to the Switch and has the files in the root directory of TFTP Server.
4) From the switch run the following commands:
For the boot:
Switch# copy tftp flash
Once it is copied, you can continue with the image:
Switch# copy tftp flash
(Either the primary or secondary partition need to be selected.)
Once the files are copied you need to save the configuration by running the “write memory" command
Then we need to make sure that the system will boot from where you copied the files to, by running the following command:
Switch#(config) boot system flash primary or Switch#(config) boot system flash secondary.
Switch#(config) write memory
Switch# reload (this will restart the switch) SO please make sure you have a downtime arranged before running this command.
Finally, you can confirm that the system boots using the new software by issuing the command: “show version “
1) Download the PoE firmware to a TFTP server
2) We need to be able to ping the IP address of the TFTP server from the switch.
3) Enter the following command:
Switch# inline power install-firmware stack-unit 1 tftp
In the example above the letter "a.b.c.d" is IP address of the tftp server and then we enter the file name containing (_poeplus_02.1.0.b002.fw) and click enter.
4) We need to save the configuration by issuing the command "write memory" from privilege mode.
Switch#write memory
11-23-2018 12:13 PM
11-24-2018 01:12 PM