Hello Giorgio
You have two issues, configuration and LED.
For the LED you must use the STATUS button on the front of the ICX to change the behaviorof the LED. If you press several times the STATUS button, you can go to PoE and see if there are some ports with active PoE.
With the version 8.0.80 on the ICX 7150 you can independently enable Data or PoE on a port. To check if both are started you can use the following commands for each port:
- show inline power 1/1/1
--> check for Admin State: ON or OFF
- show interface brief ethernet 1/1/1
--> check for Link: UP or DOWN or DISABLE
To activate/deactivate PoE on a port, go to the configuration port:
- configure terminal
- interface ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/8
--> To disable PoE on these ports, use
- no inline power
--> To enable PoE, use
- inline power
To enable/shutdown a port, go to the configuration port:
- configure terminal
- interface ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/8
--> To shut Data on these ports, use
- disable
--> To enable Data, use
- no disable
Hope this help