11-13-2022 11:49 PM
we run a bunch of 7450 and 7250 in Switching mode and Setup a NPS ( Windows Radius ) with eap-tls cert auth like this:
auth-mode multiple-untagged
auth-default-vlan 160
restricted-vlan 1002
auth-fail-action restricted-vlan
dot1x enable
dot1x enable ethe 1/1/39
dot1x port-control auto ethe 1/1/39
radius-server host rad.ip.add.ress auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 default key 2 mysecretkey dot1x
If I try to connect clients to our default VLAN ( Radius returns U:Default-VLAN ) I get the following error message: Parse error as VLAN-ID XXX is used as sys-def-vlan
Can I not use my Default VLAN for dot1x radius auth ? If so is there a way on ICX to move all ports from one VLAN to another ?