Thank you both for taking the time to reply. To Alex: Yes we have seen that discussion and it does not seem to fit/apply to what we're experiencing.
To Andrea: We have great coverage and overlap, and do have the auto tuning function enabled to try to help us keep that in good shape. In a couple of instances, we have manually set power settings on APs. We're aware of the decision to change AP's lay within the client itself. However, as mentioned hasn't been a problem until these 8 days. To Alex's point about new things, we've gone through those gymnastics because the first thing we said was "what has changed". Clearly something is different, but we cannot find it. The obvious stuff of new interference, AP's, etc has not proven to be a path that has answers. Windows updates were being looked at. We're even looking through the logs of the controller to see if it auto updated something that we didn't mean for it to do. So far, the level 1/level 2 kind of thought process hasn't been working. Hence, asking for the oddball thinking, because so far, no answers on our end either.
Please continue to ask questions of us, might make us say "oh crap" but so far these are questions asked/answered to at least a level of "doesn't seem to make a difference". Thanks again!