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R850 won't connect to Virtual Smart Zone 5.2.0

New Contributor

Hi! We recently purchased a R850, but it won't show up in our Virtual Smart Zone 5.2.0. We already tried the following:

set scg ip
downloading the firmware from our vsz 5.2.0
disable cert check on controller
uploading AP patch to our vsz
set discovery-agent enable
the controller can ping the AP. the AP can ping the controller.
there is enough AP capacity license in controller

These are the results of the debug mode log from get syslog log:

May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP cubic[685]: util_cmd_proc:1574 Execute CMD type: [1][GET_BASE_INFO].
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP daemon.warn cubic[685]: apcfg_general_get_base_info:513 ret:[6]/[bad key: device-gps-coordinates] No GPS data
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP cubic[685]: apcfg_general_get_sz_list:352 Server list[,] from DHCP..
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP daemon.warn cubic[685]: apcfg_general_get_base_info:565 ret:[34]/[file missing for RSM services] No server cert validation setting.
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP daemon.debug cubic[685]: apcfg_general_get_radio_info:153 background scan wifi0: en:0, timer:20, channel num:13.
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP daemon.debug cubic[685]: apcfg_general_get_radio_info:153 background scan wifi1: en:0, timer:20, channel num:24.
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP daemon.debug cubic[685]: cub_conn_get_addr_state_action:635 Current server list:[,], target address:[], remaining address:[(null)], pending retry:[0].
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP cubic[685]: cub_state_action:2285 Start [DISC_REQ_STATE].
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP cubic[685]: cub_state_action:2289 [CONN_GET_ADDR_STATE] -> [DISC_REQ_STATE]; reason: [CUB_RESULT_CONN_GET_ADDR_SUCCESS].
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP cubic[685]: json_cmd_proc:558 Data type : [1][GENERATE_DISCOVER].
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP daemon.debug cubic[685]: apcfg_general_get_radio_info:153 background scan wifi0: en:0, timer:20, channel num:13.
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP daemon.debug cubic[685]: apcfg_general_get_radio_info:153 background scan wifi1: en:0, timer:20, channel num:24.
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP daemon.warn cubic[685]: apcfg_general_get_base_info:513 ret:[6]/[bad key: device-gps-coordinates] No GPS data
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP cubic[685]: apcfg_general_get_sz_list:352 Server list[,] from DHCP..
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP daemon.warn cubic[685]: apcfg_general_get_base_info:565 ret:[34]/[file missing for RSM services] No server cert validation setting.
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP daemon.err cubic[685]: apcfg_general_get_wan_ipv6:1119 Get IP error. stop rsm config get/set, please check the config key and value
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP daemon.debug cubic[685]: curl_https_request:1332 curl_https_request, msg_type:[0][MSG_TYPE_DISC], via ssh:[no], send_data:[{ "protocolVersion": "0.50", "mac": "2C:AB:46:14:B7:B0", "serial": "342322022009", "deviceName": "RuckusAP", "model": "R850", "timeStamp": 1714731842, "fwVersion": "", "gpsInfo": "", "deviceIpMode": 3, "ip": "", "ipv6": "fc00::1", "countryCode": "PH", "provisionTag": "", "location": "", "devSupportUsb": "1", "meshRole": 0, "radio": [[{ "channel": "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13" }], [{ "channel": "36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,149,153,157,161,165" }]] }].
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP cubic[685]: util_cmd_proc:1574 Execute CMD type: [5][GET_DOMAIN_SUFFIX_INFO].
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP daemon.debug cubic[685]: need_append_suffix:450 Check whether addr is numeric IP. buf:
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP daemon.debug cubic[685]: wrap_getaddrinfo:1187 getaddrinfo with address [] returns success.
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP daemon.debug cubic[685]: resolve_addrinfo:1236 wrap_getaddrinfo with addr [] returns success.
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP daemon.debug cubic[685]: do_curl:968 No SZ public key from APR, skip verification..
May 3 10:24:02 RuckusAP cubic[685]: do_curl:1069 Send HTTP request to URL:[].
May 3 10:24:03 RuckusAP cubic[685]: util_cmd_proc:1574 Execute CMD type: [30][SET_TIMESTAMP].
May 3 10:24:03 RuckusAP daemon.debug cubic[685]: http_timestamp_parser:1250 Received Timestamp: Fri, 03 May 2024 10:24:04 GMT^M .
May 3 10:24:03 RuckusAP daemon.debug cubic[685]: apcfg_set_timestamp:1332 SCG: 1714731844 Delta: 1 Current: 1714731843 LastSync: 1714731792 SyncDelta: 51.
May 3 10:24:03 RuckusAP cubic[685]: curl_https_request:1414 curl_easy_perform success. http response code:[502].
May 3 10:24:03 RuckusAP cubic[685]: cub_disc_req_state_action:684 DISC request http return code:[502]..
May 3 10:24:03 RuckusAP cubic[685]: cub_state_action:2285 Start [CONN_GET_ADDR_STATE].
May 3 10:24:03 RuckusAP cubic[685]: cub_state_action:2289 [DISC_REQ_STATE] -> [CONN_GET_ADDR_STATE]; reason: [CUB_RESULT_DISC_REQ_FAIL].

What could be the issue? Thank you in advance!


RUCKUS Team Member


Are you using SZ Essentials or high scale? If you are using Essentials, ensure that you upgrade the default zone to AP patch or create an AP rule to send the AP directly to a zone that has this firmware.

Do you have any other APs in the same subnet that can connect to the SZ?

Bruno Andrade | Principal TSE Bulldog Americas | RCNA | CWNA | CWDP
Follow me on LinkedIn

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