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Anyone have trouble connecting their Sonos to their Ruckus R510 unleashed?

New Contributor III
I have 4 APs at the office all R510s with R510_200.   - for some reason my Sonos can't even find it.   I have 2.4GHz enabled.   I know with some APs I've worked with in the past I've had to enable multicast.  I couldn't find that in the GUI.   I found a very unclear thread that sounded like  you couldn't use unleashed or might need a zone director - I couldn't make heads or tails of what the environment that does or doesn't work with Sonos.    Can anyone answer for my specific environment?

New Contributor III
Thanks - the first link for me got me -
We're sorry, but something went wrong.

The second link got me some info I'll try to find on the ruckus
-UPnP needs to be on  (couldn't find it in the unleashed interface - I do not have zone director)
-Multicast Packets need to be allowed
-BPDU packets need to be allowed
-STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) needs to be allowed
-Sonos units need to be on the same subnet as the controlling device(iPod, computer , etc)
-Wireless client isolation must be turned off if any wireless devices will be controlling Sonos

Hi Jim,

Requirement given on second link are mostly from the Sonos and are on wired network side.

On wired network side all you need to do is to make sure directed multicast is disable on WLAN interface and eth interface and client isolation is turned off.

Syamantak Omer
RUCKUS Networks, CommScope!
Follow me on LinkedIn

Wired working fine - not an option - has to be wireless.
I couldn't find upnp, I couldn't find multicast and I couldn't find bpdu - didn't bother trying to find stp since I couldn't find the others.

My mistake, let me correct my comment.

On *wireless network side, all you need to do is to make sure directed multicast is disable on WLAN interface and eth interface and client isolation is turned off.

To disable directed multicast, I have already shared the 1st link in previous comment.

If still it is not working, I will suggest to open a case with support to troubleshoot further.

    Syamantak Omer
    RUCKUS Networks, CommScope!
    Follow me on LinkedIn

    Thanks - on the wireless side, I couldn't find directed multicast settings in ruckus.   Under edit wlan, advanced, other, there is directed MC/BC threshold - it is set to 1 by default - should I change that - if so to what value?
    (The link you shared isn't working)

    I think under advanced options - others, there is wireless isolation which is disabled by default - is that correct?