I got the same download speed on my mobile when connected to R300 an a Dlink AP costing 1/10 th of R300 cost . So does It means that Ruckus can be sold in locations with high density
How can I convince a Home user to opt for R300 AP ? Will the throughput and range differ when compared to other AP in a small home envirionment with low Density of Client loads
IF these feature is included than it would be surely of a great sell value . BUt than it will increase complications in the device and Ruckus would need additional expertise for the Firewall Features . this could change the focus form Wifi . Hence I ...
IT Actually happened at client Location wherein client failed to notice the difference in throughpt between Ruckus AP and other make AP . Its a straight open location and low density location . Can you advice how to showcause the Ruckus AP advantage...