New Contributor III
since ‎06-01-2015

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Hi Guys...We are on build 35 ZD1200... i can see that the channel 140 is disable by default...How can i enable it .....
Hi Guys, We are on ZoneDirector 1200 with 5 R710 and R700...i wanted to download the signature package but couldn't find it on the support site under download... could someone please direct me or the package name so i can download it ...
Hi ,Currently we are located in India and we have multiple APs but not enough channel on both 2.4 or 5 GHz ... so now we are on 40MHz for the 5GHz accomodate more APs . I'm wondering if there will be any legal issue if i change the country cod...
Hi ,In our office we have multiple R710 and R700 and i'm wondering how the R710 MU-MIMO will works if say 2 devices with MU-MIMO capable and say 4 SU-MIMO devices connects to the R710... will it falls back to SU-MIMO for all the 6 devices or MU-MIMO ...
Hi Guys, in our network we have 1 ZD1200, 4 R700 and 2 R710 all on build 204 firmware ... and we enable snmp to monitor port utilization and i can see that all the virtual interfaces : br0 br1 br4 br5br6 br7br8br9 br10br11 br12 br13 br14...