New Contributor II
since ‎07-18-2023

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  • 11 Posts
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I have an ICX7650 with 8.0.90kufi firmware with two console connections that I cannot remove via #kill console n.    When I do a #who command I can see two console connections, one over 175 days, and the kill console command doesn't remove them.  I'm...
I am seeing issues with no matching SSH Key Exchange Algorithm (KEX) when attempting to SSH to/from an ICX with 9.0.10e and ICXs with 8.0.90k or 8.0.95g firmware.  I turned on debug for ssh on both ICXs and what I found is the following....ICX 8.0.90...
I have various issues with ICX-7550 with FI 9.0.10e firmware and RUCKUS 100-FX SFPs such as the following:100-FX SFP ports, configured as 100-FX, with link have either Amber or Green lights on the LED even thought they are all the same SFP part and a...
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