I am confused by this detail. I had 2 files to choose from when I reinstalled SPS08090d.bin or SPS08090dufi.bin. I chose SPS08090.bin, but my "show version" output refers to SPS08090d.bin (UFI). Please elaborate on my circumstance and the difference...
P.S. I am confused by this detail. I had 2 files to choose from when I reinstalled SPS08090d.bin or SPS08090dufi.bin. I chose SPS08090.bin, but my "show version" output refers to SPS08090d.bin (UFI). Please elaborate on the difference in the UFI ver...
Thank you,I was able to recover my ICX7150 and reinstall the software from files I have from a previous upgrade.My desire now, is to upgrade the software to the most current and stable version. I would like you to guide me in the file selection and ...
That guide you link is a little tricky.when I run pintenv I get the IP address of my Gateway. so I'm unclear how to proceed=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2022.11.05 11:55:40 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=ICX7150-Boot>printenvbaudrate=9600ipaddr=192.168.1...