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Zone Director - How to give access to manage generated PSKs

New Contributor II
ZoneDirector question - Is there anyway to allow someone administrator access to manage generated PSKs (and Guest passes would be handy) without giving them administrator access to anything else? We would like to delegate management to these areas.


Hi Cheers,

you  can create a new role that you can assign to give the permission to generate guest passes only. Then create a new user and assign him to the new created role.
To manage Guest passes you can access the Guest Pass Generation page at:
and login with a new user name and password.


Esteemed Contributor II
Igor gets a Thumbs Up for first reply! 

Yes, you can create a Guest Admin (only create guest passes), after you've created a Guest Access
service, assigned to a WLAN.  From Configure::Roles, you can create a "Guest Admin" role, and use
Specify WLAN access, to limit them only to your Guest Access WLAN.  There's a check box at Guest
Pass, to Allow guest pass generation, for this type guest pass only admin.  Please browse thru the ZD
User Guide.

Thank you for the replys. Does this allow access to delete Generated PSKs as well? We are having someone manage RADIUS authentication with PSKs and Guest passes.

I tested the guest admin and it looks like they can't delete PSKs, and it looks like they can only delete the guest keys that they have created themselves.