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What are the disadvantages to enabling mesh?

New Contributor II
I understand that the upstream access points will have to handle the load from any mesh-connected APs, but is this the only disadvantage?

Valued Contributor
You can however disable MESH manually on a per AP basis, but think wired first, MESH as last resort.

New Contributor II
Note that enabling it and using it are 2 different things. If you enable it (from factory default state) - then you can't disable it with also doing a factory reset. So even if you don't use it in your network topology it's "active". This will affect how an AP behaves when it's ethernet goes down for example (it will try to mesh..)

I would say leave it off (I think we finally got this changed in the ezsetup default..) unless you know you need it - you can always turn it on later, you just can't turn it off (easily..)

Valued Contributor II
Note that enabling it and using it are 2 different things. If you enable it (from factory default state) - then you can't disable it with also doing a factory reset. So even if you don't use it in your network topology it's "active". This will affect how an AP behaves when it's ethernet goes down for example (it will try to mesh..)

I would say leave it off (I think we finally got this changed in the ezsetup default..) unless you know you need it - you can always turn it on later, you just can't turn it off (easily..)

New Contributor II
I was thinking that if I just enabled it, it would do nothing until I needed it :)
Then I could test it and still have my network intact without having to reset everything to turn it off.

From the recommendations it seems like it is best to leave it off until I know that I will be using it.

If it is on, and not disabled on each AP, the APs will keep looking for other APs that might need meshing, even if all are wired. So it will steal CPU cycles from the APs and add noise.