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SNMP documentation for Zone Director 9.6 - missing?

New Contributor III

I'm to create monitoring system using SNMP and need documentation. I already have:
* Ruckus WirelessTM ZoneFlexTM Access Point SNMP Reference Guide (for 9.6)
* Ruckus WirelessTM FlexMasterTM 9.6 SNMP Reference Guide
* Ruckus Wireless TM ZoneDirectorTM SNMP Reference Guide (for 9.5)

I read somewhere that SNMP has been upgraded siginificantly in 9.6 in comparison to 9.5. Can I have doc for it?

Thank you.

BTW, I'm to accomplish statistis breakdowns for customer of *one SSID* not AP (i.e.: cusotmer is using one SSID in a AP, multiple customers per AP):
* users and traffic per SSID in a AP / per group of AP in a venue, per group of AP in all venues, maybe other information as well.

I'm expecting to automate all of this using open source, I hope I can get all the information using SNMP.

New Contributor II
Adding to this mess, I just tried adding some of the OID's to our PRTG monitor (just to verify that the string does exist or not) and I get an error stating "No such instance". Yes, SNMP is set to V2 and community strings are correct. Odd.

Valued Contributor II
@Linda - there were some changes to our OIDs (evil we know, but unavoidable) at 9.5. So if you are running earlier code some of the OID's documented in 9.6 will fail out.

@Simon - I've passed your feedback along to the documentation team.

Valued Contributor II
Sorry gang - I think I was a little dense on this one...I just posted the ZoneDirector SNMP Reference Guide -

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