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How to create/modify the default guest access captive portal page

New Contributor II
Using ZoneDirector 1200 version 9.13.
When create new Guest Access Service. Only the Logo and Welcome Text can be change. I want to change the whole page such as background, font color, size, type, etc.
Where and how can I change them?

Contributor III
10.2 allows you to change the background image, turn different elements on/off, and change content of some but not all text fields. It does not allow control over typeface, size, or attributes. As long as the text does not need to change, you could add it to the background image.

New Contributor II
Thanks David, I will upgrade to 10.2 first. As my ZD current version is 9.13

Then it will take two upgrades, first to 10.0 or 10.1, and take a backup before you do, and include version digits in the filename to remind you in case you need to downgrade and restore the config, ie, ZD1200-9-13-3-0-164-config.bkup

Contributor III
It has been an annoyance since the beginning of time that ZDs don't include the version number in the file name.  We like to append the version to the end so that we don't loose the date:  ZD1200_db_051019_19_00 (9.13.3).bak