Really interesting but there is one thing I dont really understand about the Sub-Option. As defined into the RFC2132, the option 43 doesn't seems like to be able to have sub-options, like the 122 for the VoIP with CableLabs.
So this means that the DHCP server aren't supposed to handle the 43.3 sub options OR we have to encapsulate it in RAW DATA. So, I understand when I'm following the Documentation ZD User Guide, Page 33-34 Option 2 and try to understand the example:
If the there are two ZoneDirectors with IP Addresses and 192,168.0.20, then the value will be «, » and the length is 25 (hex value 0x19).
There is missing a critical part of the example... the ANSWER : « And the appropriate computed Value is : ????????????????? »
Using Wireshark to understand the requirement, I found the required value in the filter "bootp.option.request_list_item" and 43 are there. Not 43.3, so the sub-option have to be encapsulate into the RAW Data.
So if my ZD3025 are located at the IP (0xAC110002) and the length of my String is 10 (0x0A), the encapsulated value of the sub-option 3 (0x03) is????
My guest: 0x030AAC110002
Doesn't work :(
Need help please!