The R500 Unleashed publishes its Guest Portal on its management IP address.
We setup a separate VLAN for Guests with only internet-access through a fully separated proxy.
The guests in that separate VLAN are redirected to the (unreachable) management IP address for authentication.
To clarify, here is a larger explaination:
Ruckus Unlaeshed AP has fixed IP address has no option for VLAN tagging settings on it's management, so on the switch we let it land on the default untagged VLAN 1.
For simplicity, we leave it VLAN 1, which is then also our own internal management network.
We create several WLANs, each with a different VLAN setting.
These are recognized on the swich as Tagged VLANs, so we can fully separate them (separate from each other and from our management network).
One WLAN we use for Guests, so we configure the Ruckus internal Guest Portal.
On the Ruckus, this WLAN is configured with VLAN 2 to be fully separated from management and any other network.
Only the Ruckus and a internet proxy are in this network, connected by the switch on VLAN 2.
To avoid confusion, we use a different IP segment: 10.0.0.x on this network.
(but there is nothing on the Ruckus to make the Ruckus aware of that)
When I use a tablet as Guest device and connect to the Guest WLAN, I get redirected to for entering my Guest code.
Since is not reachable from the 10.0.0.x (because it is not in the same IP segment, not routed AND because we are on a different VLAN), it gives a timeout.
Also, we don't want to make available on the Guest network, because that imposes a huge security risk (it's also the management IP).