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Unleashed R310 HTTP Guest Portal

New Contributor II

We currently use 5xR310's Unleashed and we get a certificate error when we try use the guest portal due to the CA being unrecognised.

We were wondering if it was possible for us to use an HTTP guest portal instead of HTTPS?

If there is no option but to use HTTPS then is there a How-To guide to configuring the cert using a 3rd party trusted CA such as Thawte or GoDaddy?


New Contributor III
We previously had something similar with Android devices not accepting the cert. I'm curious what device you've used to test this. Thus far, we haven't had this issue anymore with the .228 version of Unleashed.

New Contributor II
We tested with Windows 10 laptops and Android phones. But as this is a guest network I would not expect the guests to have the Ruckus CA installed.

New Contributor III
If I'm not mistaken, that Ruckus CA is the AP itself, because it's a self-signed cert. In other words, it's unlikely anyone will have that CA installed (unless added manually to trusted CA list). I don't seem to have this problem on a Iphone or Mac. Don't have other testing equipment with me at the moment.

New Contributor II
Thanks for checking Werme. Unfortunately this has come up quite a few times for us with when we have lots of guests in our board room being thrown by the invalid cert warning when connecting.