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Im in Mozambique and we have a zonedirector problem

New Contributor II
My Zone Director have just crashed. I understand that the zone director by standard comes with 5 access points licences. Why should I buy a zonedirector if I can deploy unleased network of about 25 access points

Contributor III
Unleashed is pretty awesome, but  I feel like there is a level of professionalism and availability added when you have a Zone Director. I use it to control APs at multiple sites, ZD or VSCG helps me maintain multisite visibility, and allows me to have glandular admin access controls for various admins.
Question - How many APs do you have per site and are they unleashed compatible models?

New Contributor II
Thanks for your answer. As of Now:
At the HQ I have 5 access points
3 Zone Offices with 3 access points maximum.
I'm using the R310 and R320 which are believe to be unleashed compatible models

Contributor III
I would test 310 and 320's on unleashed very carefully. There are some people who feel there are  WPA performance issues once you add the overhead of running unleashed OS and https/http services.
I hope that helps.

New Contributor II
Thanks a million