Hmmm, interesting. I either found a bug, or something confusing. So, I have user 'Administrator' (set up during install). Local password is (example) 'foo'. 'Administrator' account under AD has password 'bar'. If I login as 'Administrator' and give 'bar', the log shows this:
2020-09-07T10:05:57-04:00 syslog: pid=1577, AuthAdmin():admin login succeed, is_local_auth is 0
2020-09-07T10:05:57-04:00 syslog: pid=1577, AuthAdmin():the user is not local auth,no need to promote password recovery feature!!
(I am using remote syslog feature). The above is as expected. Now, the wrong/weird thing. I login as 'Administrator' using 'foo', and log shows:
2020-09-07T10:07:15-04:00 syslog: pid=1577, AuthAdmin():admin login succeed, is_local_auth is 0
2020-09-07T10:07:15-04:00 syslog: pid=1577, AuthAdmin():the user is not local auth,no need to promote password recovery feature!!
e.g. even though the gave the local password (I have fallback box checked), it is still claiming not local authentication?