02-03-2017 06:07 AM
02-03-2017 07:47 AM
02-06-2017 12:34 AM
12-13-2020 05:14 AM
It just happened to me with a T300.
It was first connected, provisionned then unplugged and moved, mounted to a distant hard to access place.
And now just showing "configure.me" SSID.
Is there a special procedure to ensure the provisionning is saved somehow?
12-13-2020 08:27 AM
You do need to "test" it after provisioning it via ethernet. I suggest that to plug it in, get it joined. Update all the firmware, wait 10 minutes after a reboot and then disconnect the ethernet and plug in the WAP with a power supply and then check the dashboard to see if the WAP is working via mesh. THEN move it to the final location.