Still trying to weigh my options here. I could use the older Airport Extreme for DHCP and NAT and use the Ruckus R600 for wifi. This has the advantage of killer wifi but at that point I still have two boxes to deal with. Also purchasing a high end ASUS or Linksys will still cost me half of what the Ruckus costs and give me one box. In the end, I do not need additional speed at home (Airport Extreme 802.11n), I need better coverage. My house is not big but the Airport Extreme gives very poor or non-existent wifi signal in the bedroom and porch.
I am an IT professional and after researching multiple different wireless solutions for the school district I work for, just two weeks ago we decided to install 400 Ruckus R710 APs, virtual Smartzone controllers, Cloudpath, etc. The Ruckus gear was impressive during our testing so I decided to purchase one for my home