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vSZ-H explaination of interfaces


I'm looking for some sort of explanation of the 3 interfaces in a vSZ-H deployment.

I'm assuming it basically boils down to the following:

Management: What you connect to to configure
Cluster: cluster only traffic, can be an empty vlan with only the cluster interfaces in it
Control: What the AP's connect and talk to for provisioning and management AP traffic

Is that correct? If so, why do the Management and Control interfaces share a routing table at all? You have to pick one to use as a gateway but I'm not clear which one to choose and what circumstances would make me pick one over the other.

In our setup we'll have central controllers with all our AP's out on sites in different subnets, but those that need to manage it will also be in different subnets.

In our case all our AP subnets can be included in a single /16 route statement so I'm guessing I should set the management interface as the default gateway and add a route to the control interface to include that single /16. Is that correct?

Before someone links the getting started guides I've gone through them, they don't explain the purpose of these interfaces, they just say to give them IP addresses, which isn't even remotely helpful sadly. When configuring interfaces giving them IP addresses seems obvious, it would be much better to explain their purpose of the interface and why it needs a separate IP address/interface in the first place.

Sorry, this is just very frustrating trying to find even basic architectural information about this product or some basic design guides for deployment seems impossible
