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ZD to vSZ Migration


I have two controllers. One of them is ZD 1200 and another one is vSZ configured as an Essentials with one interface (the location is really small and we don't need to separate traffic)

Controllers have to serve different sub-networks. Let’s say ZD: and SZ Each sub-network has your own DHCP server.

In the beginning all AP were connected to ZD. After vSZ installation I switched some of APs to the new controller (vSZ). My problem is the APs still have old IP addresses from first the network (

How can I migrate APs to the new sub-network?


New Contributor III
Can you clear to me if the ZD/APs are running 9.12 and below, a factory reset of the AP is needed but not when APs are running 9.13 and above? Since we experience failed migration of APs from ZD 9.12 to vSZ 3.6.2, I read that resetting the APs to factory defaults will allow the AP to migrate to vSZ successfully. But is it still the same for 9.13? I'm having difficulty securing another ZD to test this so if someone had experienced this scenario, I'd appreciate the feedback.


Just factory defaulting APs that have been running ZD controller code, will not be enough if the SZ isn't running an LWAPP2SCG process/script.

Please see the details for ZD to SZ 3.5+ migration, that's documented in this knowledge base article:

I did enable LWAPP2SCG but the AP failed to complete migration. So I am wondering if factory reset is necessary if ZD/AP is running 9.12 or not necessary if running 9.13 already.

On the off chance that you need APs to be on a similar system, basically change the VLAN on the switch that is designed for the APs you need with the goal that they go to the system IP that you need them to be in
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