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Virtual SmartZone API : How should serviceTicket be used?

New Contributor
I'm currently building a service to communicate with a Virtual SmartZone. On startup, the service calls the v7_0/serviceTicket route and receives a service ticket back, which is used as a URI parameter for all other requests:

 However, the docs do not state how long this service ticket is active for, and how old service tickets should be cleaned up. I have tried the DELETE method for this route and it appears to not work. After running DELETE on /serviceTicket with the ticket id, I still am able to use that ticket id. There is also no way to get a list of old service tickets so that they could be cleaned up.

 I am worried about creating too many service tickets, and eventually slowing down or crashing the server. Is this is a valid concern? Should I just create one serviceTicket and then use that as a constant value instead of creating a new one each time? 

Bumping this. The API documentation says that we should use serviceTicket for GET requests, but I cannot get it to work. I am able to obtain a serviceTicket value in a POST, but I keep getting "current session has timed out: error 201, no active session" when I try to make a GET. 

Can someone from Ruckus chime in with some info on whether this works or not?

I rebooted my vSZ, ran a POST with {serviceTicket} in the headers, and then ran a GET with {serviceTicket} in the headers, and it worked. I ran a DEL with {serviceTicket} in the headers to kill the session, then tried the whole process over. It did not work. I have no idea how I got it working the first time. 

New Contributor II

You don't put the serviceTicket in the headers, you put it in the query params of the URL.

Example to get a serviceTicket: POST with the username and password to

Example to delete a serviceTicket: DELETE to

Both requests need to have the header for Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

New Contributor II

Once a serviceTicket is generated, it is generally valid for 24 hours
It is recommended to delete an existing serviceTicket if you are planning to generate another serviceTicket.