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SmartZone custom ICX switch events

New Contributor III


Trying to take advantage of custom ICX switch events from SZ 6.0.

I have setup a few TextPattern custom events and enabled the EMAIL event management for the different severities. 

Emails have been tested coming from SmartZone and it works.

I am wondering how SZ can receive these TextPatterns and recognize them so that an email alert can be sent out. 

Example: if I manually disable POE on a port, on ICX, I see the following:

Nov 24 14:03:42:I:System: PoE: Power disabled on port 1/1/4 because of admin off.

So I create a TextPattern to look at PoE: Power disabled on port

I don't get anything...

Do I need to set SZ as a logging host on ICX? 

SIDE NOTE: I have realized now that when I create a TextPattern and it contains uppercase letters, after you save it, it brings everything lowercase. This may be my issue because it does not match the text exactly. 

EDIT: even if i type in lowercase text that matches the log output of ICX, I don't get an event generated....therefore no email notification