01-18-2023 11:00 PM
We are planing to network design for over 100 shared offices.
Devices are SZ144 and R650(mostly).
There are over 100 rooms on one floor and we are going to assign group-dpsk per each room in a single SSID. And You are also planning to assign vlan per each room to the corresponding dpsk.(ex. group dpsk for 1001 Room : 12345678, vlan id : 1001 // group dpsk for 1102 Room : 23456789, vlan id : 1102)
At this point we want to know if more than 100 VLANs are available on a single SSID.
If anyone knows how many vlans are supported in a single SSID, please let me know.
02-24-2025 10:41 AM
I am working on a network design for MDU with unique vlan requirement for each unit. Will be helpful
if anyone can confirm the max vlans supported in a single SSID.