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ap not receiving up addresses

New Contributor II
Good evening just purchased a smart home with the ruckus switch and r510 aps installed had my isp install a cable modem and I’m having a proble with my ap’ s not receiving a up address I have tried to trouble shoot it with tech support for about 4 hours with out anynluck any one else running In to the same problem

New Contributor II
Is there a factory reboot for the switch to start the configuring process I think the it tech changed configurations while he was troubleshooting the system

Contributor III
First of all how many r510 APs do you have ? 1-2

New Contributor II
I have 2 ap it was a Lennar ssid not the Lennar isn’t coming up only the ssid tech support created for the ap I don’t know if he changed any settings on the switch after he had me do factory resets on both the master and secondary ap

Contributor III
 If you want to do a factory reset of both r510 while having no password for anything. Then you’ll have to do a hard reset.  I suggest you first locate which Ethernet cables goes to each r510 on the switch.  Once you figured it out. Just unplug one of the Ethernet cables that goes to one of the r510 at the switch.  Reason for doing that is after you reset one AP, the other non-reset AP that’s configured  might automatically  reconfigure the reset one. So basically, reset one AP while the other one is off. Then do  the same exact thing to the other one.  After both are reset then make sure both are plugged in.

To do the factory hard reset at each AP, you’ll need  a ladder and a strong paper clip. It is more likely you’ll have to unmount each AP to get to the reset pinhole at the rear of the r510.

Note, the r510 are locked in place. One you get up there on the ladder, at the front of the AP, there are LED status lights.  You should be able to see a pin hole at the base of the front of the R510. Push In the paper clip and you should feel pressure from the spring which unlocks the latch. While doing that slide the r510 to the rear til it stops and pull down. At that point the r510 should be off the mount. You should be able to locate the reset pinhole near the Ethernet ports.

While the r510 is on, push the paper clip into the reset pinhole for 10-12 seconds. Keep the paper clip held in...for that time and then release. AP should go through the factory reset now and reboot.

At this point do the same for the other.

After it’s reset and AP mounted back on, you should be able to see two different SSIDs labels 

At this point you can use a laptop or iPhone device to configure one of the APs.

Login to one of the configure-me SSIDs ... 

If using a laptop, use safari or Firefox to open

If you choose to configure with the iPhone make sure you have downloaded the unleashed app

Contributor III
Check out the video

it’s a setup video

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