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Updating our Ruckus system in a Lennar home

New Contributor

We've been having inconsistent or slow Wi-Fi in certain rooms (they're at the corners of the house, so not surprising). After troubleshooting, I've decided that adding a Ruckus access point may be a reasonable solution. But in trying that, I've encountered some hurdles and am hoping someone in the community or Ruckus could offer advice.

  1. Lennar didn't leave us with Ruckus login info when we bought the new home, so I don't know how to get into the system to check or modify things. What app/website should I use to get in?
  2. Our house has a 7150 switch in the electric box, and what seem to be two R510 access points. I bought an R650 today and connected it to a port in a room that is connected to the 7150, but the R650 doesn't light up. Even if I connect the R650 to one of the ports on the 7150 that was used to go into an R510, it gets powered on but doesn't provide Wi-Fi.




New Contributor

I see on the Unleashed dashboard that 159 is the R650 and 132 is the R510. So does the switch take on the same IP address as the Master (R510)?

Hi @kaz 

That IP address is from the Access Point we are looking the IP address from the ICX-Switch , sometimes it shows as unknown device , ruckus switch or router , ICX-7150 C12 P , or unidentified.

Correct the switch should be on the same range between 192168.0.1 to

Maybe if you can login in into your router you can locate the IP address for your switch most of the times your  local router is or copy and past these IPs on a URL. 

OR reboot your local router  ISP to refresh the IP addressing. 

Best Regards

Fernando Vasquez 


I found the MAC address of the 7150 and it corresponds to the device with in the IP Scanner. Using that, I still have the same problem:

➜ ~ ssh admin@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
➜ ~ ssh-keygen -R
Host not found in /Users/kaz/.ssh/known_hosts
➜ ~ ssh super@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused

Hi @kaz 

Please do telnet option following command :  

nc 23

 Best Regards 

Fernando Vasquez

That worked! Here's what I get:
No password has been assigned yet...
telnet@ICX7150-C12-Switch#show version
show version
  Copyright (c) 1996-2017 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    UNIT 1: compiled on Aug 14 2017 at 06:54:44 labeled as SPS08061a
      (24723488 bytes) from Primary SPS08061a.bin
        SW: Version 08.0.61aT211
      Compressed Boot-Monitor Image size = 786944, Version:10.1.10T225 (mnz10110)
       Compiled on Sun Jun 25 09:25:15 2017
  HW: Stackable ICX7150-C12-POE
UNIT 1: SL 1: ICX7150-C12-2X1G POE 12-port Management Module
      Serial  #:FEK3234N083
      Current License: 2X1G
      P-ASIC  0: type B160, rev 11  Chip BCM56160_B0
UNIT 1: SL 2: ICX7150-2X1GC 2-port 2G Module
UNIT 1: SL 3: ICX7150-2X10GF 2-port 20G Module
 1000 MHz ARM processor ARMv7 88 MHz bus
 8192 KB boot flash memory
 2048 MB code flash memory
 1024 MB DRAM
STACKID 1  system uptime is 3 day(s) 20 hour(s) 35 minute(s) 20 second(s)
--More--, next page: Space, next line: Return key, quit: Control-cshow inline power
The system started at 00:02:11 GMT+00 Sat Jan 01 2000
The system : started=cold start
telnet@ICX7150-C12-Switch#inline power
Incomplete command.
telnet@ICX7150-C12-Switch#show inline power detail
show inline power detail
Power Supply Data On unit 1:
Power Supply Data:
Power Supply #1:
Max Curr:  2.3 Amps
Voltage:   54.0 Volts
Capacity:  124 Watts
PoePower:  124 Watts
POE Details Info. On Unit 1 :
General PoE Data:

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