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New Lennar house: middle R510 WAP won't join Unleashed network

New Contributor II

Hi, I bought a new Lennar house recently, and having a maddening time trying to get the middle R510 Ruckus WAP to work correctly. There are 3 in the house, the bottom floor, middle floor, and top floor.

I was able to set up for the top and bottom, but the middle never joined the Unleashed network automatically, and even after hard resetting it via the button, it would still broadcast the Lennar-xx network. Until finally today I got around to hooking up an ethernet cable from the middle WAP to a laptop, factory reset it, got it on the latest firmware, etc., I got it to Configure.Me.

But I want it to join the rest of the WAPs. Can you help me run diagnostics to see what's going on? See the image below, it shows 2 Masters. This is before I factory reset it.

Image_ images_messages_5fb6e7fd8af6d66266cd9fb7_33b57c6b056c2b204b16fb79ac960f4a_ScreenShot20201119at11.47.52AM-702b991d-a47f-40a6-9414-bcaa8ea5804d-1617873826.png

Community Admin
Community Admin

Hi John,

Try below steps.

  1. Connect a laptop to the same wired network as the Ruckus APs. This is to make sure AP is reachable from wired network so that all the APs can talk to each other.
  2. Check if problematic AP has an IP address and you are able to ping it.
  3. If yes, SSH into it using putty or any other console application. If it is already part of Unleashed network then use same username password as your Unleashe master. If not, then use "super/sp-admin" to SSH into it. If that doesn't work, try admin/admin
  4. Once you are into the CLI of it, check if you are able to ping other APs from this AP's CLI.
  5. Now run below command to manually point the AP to Unleashed master.

set director ip   (here x.x.x.x is the Master AP's IP address)


Syamantak Omer
RUCKUS Networks, CommScope!
Follow me on LinkedIn

@syamantak_omer Thank you. Can you provide more details? I'm not too technical. 

2. I believe it has an IP? I set my ethernet IPV4 to per instructions, and then if I go to, I see the Ruckus web interface on the problematic AP.

3. How do I SSH into it with Putty?

4. What is CLI? I assume that is Command Prompt Line? Do I use Putty for CLI or Windows Command Prompt?

Hi John,

If you are able to access AP with it's default IP address, this means AP is not getting IP from the switch and without a valid IP from the same network as other APs, it cannot talk to other APs.

To test if SW is providing a DHCP IP, try to remove eth cable from the AP (problematic AP) and plug it to your laptop, check if your laptop gets an IP. It should get IP on the same subnet as other APs.

If not, then it must be switch or DHCP configuration issue. If you are not too technical, I suggest you to open a case with RUCKU support as it may be difficult to troubleshoot switch configuration related issues.

Syamantak Omer
RUCKUS Networks, CommScope!
Follow me on LinkedIn