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Lost Connection After Turning Off Through Unleased App

New Contributor

I had updated my Unleased app and then it looked like I could turn off and on the Wifi & AP's using the option in Unleased.  I was mistaken and have since not been able to re-connect, and have attempted a Reset, but then was unable to even get to the Connect network to get everything set up again.   Am I able to somehow connect directly into the 7150-C12P from a laptop / ethernet, or other options out there?



Hi @rty 

Perfect, now you gained access to the ICX 7150 Switch you are now online, so let's try the next two options.

1:Try gain access with the website (the credential must be the same as the APP :


2:If for some reason the website does not bring you to the web access for the Unleashed management dashboard, try with the IP address of one of the Access Points, let me add a guide that will instruct how to search those IPs address using a free application, once you know the IP address you can test one by one, by placing the IP address in your URL bar and will bring you to the logging page of the Unleashed management dashboard.

Note: If you get this error message, just hit advance and then proceed


3:Now you are in, you can check the Wi-Fi network settings to enable it back or create one from zero.

For made changes in the same SSID just hit edit:

Creating a New WLAN

Wi-Fi Networks>Create>Fill Name, Usage Type, Authentication Method,

Encryption Method>Ok


Best regards,

Yarenis Hernández

Technical Support Engineer | L2 TAC Wired


New Contributor

Thank you and I actually have not started to fix this yet, as I am not sure how to connect directly to the 7150 - can you specifically tell me to where I would plug an ethernet from my laptop to the 7150 switch?


Hi @rty 

You need to wire the computer directly to the ICX 7150 or even to your ISP router, the idea of this is that the computer must be online, to gain access to the equivalent of the APP via web access in order to then enable back the 2.4 and 5G signal in your SSID/WIF ID.

1:Run an Ethernet cable between your computer and the ICX 7150 Switch, you can use any of the yellow ports market in the next image.


2:Once you have the computer online, follow up the steps I have provided before.

Best regards,

Yarenis Hernández

Technical Support Engineer | L2 TAC Wired