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Lennar connected AP's Change of Modem after initial setup

New Contributor
Hi All,

Amazon tech service guy set up my AP's and the wifi settings initially with the rented modem.
Now I changed my modem and I am not using rented modem any more.When I changed my modem My access points is not getting internet anymore.What settings I have to change in  ? 
Do I have to reset and step up the AP's again? Or is there anything in the settings by assigning the new modem IP addrees in --> ip settings?
Please help i ma stuck here from last 14 days.

Esteemed Contributor II
If your new ISP modem provides a different DHCP scope to the LAN, then yes, you will need to (factory default) reset your APs and start/create the Unleashed network again, on the new network.

New Contributor
Hi.Appreciate your time for replying.Can I know how to reset Ap's Since these are located on the roof.Can we do both the Ap's Reset at ICX-7150 Switch?

What if DHCP is with in the range of the previous configuration?

Hmm, it's typically by the indented Hard Reset button, but if you can find their IPs in your DHCP lease table, try SSH to them, and issue 'reset factory', 'reboot'...