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Lennar Home ICX 7150 with (4) R510 Aps. No wifi

New Contributor

I have a Lennar home with 7150 and 4 R510s.  I needed to connect a device that was 2.4 only and the 5g was causing a conflict so I went in the unleashed ap to turn off the 5g radios only like i have several times.  the app crashed during this process and none of the Aps reset and have not been putting out any wifi since.  Only light is on the power light.  hardwired works fine through switch.  I plugged an ethernet into the second port on an R510 and internet works passing through the AP.  iv reset 2 of the APs and they both do the same thing.  Configure me xxxxx comes up but when i try to connect is says no internet access and disapears.  the unleashed app says it has to have internet access so it cannot continue.  Can anyone help?